Friday, May 06, 2005

The Farting Dog

Angelica Silva de Limongi
May 6th, 2005
Walter the farting dog

As an introduction, I’d like to say that “Walter the farting dog” is a Children’s book, by William Kotwinkskle and Glenn Murray and illustrated by Audrey Colman was published in 2001 by Frog, Ltd. Following this, I want to say that it is my favorite story for two reasons.

First, it is a very funny story and I think that the main point is an unusual topic not usually treated in a Children’s books. I enjoy reading a lot. However, I had never read in a Children’s books about flatulence or smell gas expelled from the back of a person or animal. The main point not only refers to this corporal function (to fart), but also the most important message is the whole story is related to some values demonstrated by members of the family. In the story, there are two children called Betty and her brother Billy. Also, they have two parents (mother and father), one little cat, and our strange buddy Walter the farting dog.

Next, moral values treated in this story are connected with some aspects referring to commands to be happy in a small social group like a family or in a big group like a society. These values are practice tolerance, believe in something, be brave, love someone, and respect the differences of the others. Te last one is my favorite value due to everyone who has felt one embarrassing moment in he or his life. Therefore, in the same words of the authors “This story is for everyone who’s ever felt misjudged or misunderstood.”

Finally, the story begins when Betty and Billy brought Walter home from the dog pound because nobody wanted him and Walter cannot stop farting everywhere. Next, the parents took him to the vet. The doctor recommended a new diet for Walter. In spite of the fact, he continued farting. In addition, they said to the children that the dog should go back to the pound. The children were so sad because they love him. The children believed in their dog and they accepted Walter just the way he was. On day, two thieves broke into the house, but they could not robber anything because Walter was brave and he began farting. So, the thieves ran far away and Walter became a hero.

If you are interested in knowing the second part, you should read the second book “Walter the farting dog: Trouble at the yard sale”


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